NEW! Go Wild and Rural!

NEW! Go Wild and Rural!

New courses facilitated by local Staffordshire rural training firm A L Rural are up and running this Summer holiday. Learn how to use wild food from field to table whilst carrying out sustainable countryside management, ultimately avoiding waste and utilizing healthy, low cholesterol meat. Rabbit, pigeon and venison have become increasingly popular via media attention such as Hugh Fearnley-Whittingstall’s River Cottage and various methods of responsible control are considered and explained.

Also, introduction to gundog training and BASC Safeshot Workshops (British Assoc. for Shooting & Conservation) with experienced BASC Accredited Shotgun Coach, Ann Litchfield.

Respect for shotguns, quarry, other countryside users and field safety is paramount when youngsters progress to shooting in the countryside whether for leisure or management purposes and should be firmly embedded from the start.’ Ann explains, ‘Safety is vital. For example; one of the principal causes of accidental shootings is the failure to get over gates and fences safely. But how should you do it safely, especially if you are on your own?’


The courses provide an opportunity for people to understand and acknowledge why controls of various species are carried-out whether it regards agriculture; forestry; or, conservation. The courses will be held at Beech Cliffe Farm, Nr. Trentham, S-O-T, by qualified, experienced staff – CRB checked. Participants must be 12yrs+

For further information contact Ann Litchfield 07980 284549 or e-mail or visit the website