At the beginning of May, BASC South East held two “Introduction to Woodpigeon Shooting” courses. To provide broad geographical coverage and give access to members, the first event was held in Hampshire and the second in Buckinghamshire.
Pigeon shooting expert, and star of Cornish Countryman DVDs, Shane Robinson provided the training for both courses. A BASC accredited trainer, Shane took candidates through the law surrounding woodpigeon shooting, pigeon ecology as well as the theory of field craft. Candidates were able to get hands on with a variety of pigeon decoying equipment and discuss its uses. An afternoon session in the field allowed candidates opportunity to look at decoy patterns and hide building, putting the earlier theory of field craft into practice.
Twenty seven candidates took part in the courses over the two days, and all of them remarked how informative it had been and how they couldn’t wait to get out into the fields and put it all into practice.
We have another Introduction to Woodpigeon Shooting Course organised for Saturday 23 August in West Sussex. For further information and to book call the South East Centre on 01306 631 378.