New information about wildfowling clubs and shooting opportunities is available in an updated publication from the UK’s largest shooting organisation, the British Association for Shooting and Conservation (BASC).
The 2012 / 2013 Wildfowling Permit Scheme booklet is designed to provide information to people who have never been wildfowling as well as the experienced wildfowler who wants to shoot in a new area.
It provides a basic introduction to the sport and information on where people can obtain wildfowling permits throughout the UK.
Mark Greenhough, BASC’s wildfowling officer, said: "This year’s booklet contains some new clubs to the scheme and fully updated contact details for all of the participating clubs, as well as some truly stunning artwork. Plus all the usual sections on law, fieldcraft and the wildfowler’s code of practice all of which help keep the modern wildfowler updated on current best practice in the sport."
To request a copy of the booklet, email or phone 01244 573011. The BASC Wildfowling Permit Scheme is only open to BASC members.