Majority of new MEPs pledge support for shooting

trainingcoursesA majority of the UK’s newly elected MEPs have pledged their support for shooting after being contacted by members of the British Association for Shooting and Conservation (BASC).

39 of the 73 MPs elected replied to messages saying they supported shooting. Just three candidates replied saying they oppose shooting. Their views were gathered via a dedicated website set up by BASC which allowed people to email candidates. Each was asked to state their position on shooting.

Christopher Graffius, BASC director of communications said: “These pledges of support give us invaluable insight into the level of support for shooting amongst the UK representatives in the European parliament. We will now work through the list of elected candidates and contact them to make sure they are fully informed on key issues affecting shooting.”

“I would like to thank the BASC members who took the time to use the site, contact their candidates and send the results in to us. Candidates were contacting BASC during the campaign to say how many emails they had received from our members. BASC works with all political parties to ensure shooting is supported and that its economic, conservation and social contributions to life in the UK are recognised and understood.”

“A similar site will be set up for the forthcoming general elections in 2015. With the outcome far from clear it has rarely been more important that we contact parliamentary candidates, start a dialogue with them about the important role of shooting in the UK countryside and secure as many expressions of support as we can.”