BASC tells the BBC Natural England needs to ‘get a grip’

BASC has told the BBC that Natural England’s (NE) decision to revoke three general licences in England has caused confusion among rural communities and called on the government body to reverse the decision and launch a consultation.

Steve Bloomfield, BASC’s executive director of shooting and operations, told BBC’s Look North programme that the reaction to NE’s decision, which came “without consultation or warning” was one of shock and outrage.

He said the decision would affect people’s livelihoods and described the damage certain pest bird species can cause – for example carrion crows which can pick out the eyes of live lambs.

Mr Bloomfield said: “This decision will not only affect people who shoot – the unintended consequences of this ban are far greater and have the potential to have a knock-on effect on the wider public.

“This is a knee-jerk reaction. It has caused a lot of problems and Natural England needs to get a grip.”

The programme is due to be broadcast today.