BASC starts 2016 with big rise in membership

twitter logoAt the start of a new year for British shooting, BASC, the largest shooting organisation in the UK, has announced that its membership grew by over 4,000 in 2015 to stand at over 144,500. This is its highest total in more than a century of the Association’s existence.

Alan Jarrett, chairman of BASC, said: “I am delighted to welcome all new members to the BASC family. The higher our membership, the greater our influence with those who make policy both in the UK and EU. Shooting faces many challenges in the year ahead and it is ever more clear that we are far stronger together.

“BASC’s elected council is committed to producing a membership package that not only does the job for shooting but delivers unique benefits for its members.”

David Ilsley, head of membership services at BASC said: “Our members tell us that they place huge value on the comprehensive range of membership services their Association provides. This includes the best shooting insurance package on the market and an excellent range of membership benefits and discounts.

“They also value BASC’s unsurpassed commitment to both promoting and defending shooting, which is the Association’s primary purpose, and we pursue it with an uncompromising passion.”

“Bringing so many people together for shooting means that we have the critical mass to do the job, whether with government, the media or when working with the many interests involved in shooting.”