Shooting achieves a parliamentary majority

The BASC election website has shown that a majority of MPs in the new House of Commons have made public statements in support of shooting.

With all seats declared the figures are:

Supportive of shooting: 350 MPs (54%)

Neutral/undecided: 16 (2.5%)

Anti: 11 (1.7%)

Unknown: 265 (40.8%) 

BASC would like to thank all members who lobbied their candidates and contributed to the success of the BASC election website. The Association has more information on the MPs of this new parliament than we have ever had before.

BASC will use the information proactively to represent shooting in parliament and to government. We will continue to work with all parties to ensure a political consensus in favour of shooting. We will ensure that all MPs are better informed on shooting, are aware of its local benefits to their regions and have the opportunity to try shooting or meet those who shoot.

Before parliament meets for the first time on 17 May the election campaign website will be changed to a parliament website which can be used by everyone who shoots to find out where their MP stands on shooting and to lobby them on issues relating to shooting.

Richard Ali
Chief Executive