Top opportunity for young shots to use state-of-the-art simulator

Young shots from across the south of England will have the chance to sharpen their skills with the same state-of-the-art shooting simulator that the Russian Olympic shooting team is using ahead of the Beijing Games.

The British Association for Shooting and Conservation (BASC) has joined forces with Sparsholt College in Winchester to run a free event so young people can try the simulator on 1 September.

The ST-2 simulator covers a range of rifle and shotgun disciplines with realistic animations and scenarios to help everyone hone their skills.

BASC’s regional officer for the south west, James Green, said: “This event will also help BASC establish some new ideas on how to encourage youngsters to take part in shooting and other countryside activities. It is a great opportunity for our young shot members to become ambassadors for their sport and help to shape its future.”