Lead ammunition – Your questions & answers

Q: Is shooting facing government proposals to ban lead ammunition?

A: No. While some antis are campaigning for a ban, government have no proposals to do so and no political party has a policy to ban.

Q: Is it true that BASC have let us down and potentially lost us lead shot?

A: No. BASC’s policy is “no sound evidence, no change.” BASC has rigorously tested all evidence produced against lead ammunition. It has held politicians and regulators to account, demanding that they only act on sound evidence and in accordance with the principles of better regulation.

BASC’s full policy on lead ammunition can be found here.

Q: Is BASC represented on the Lead Ammunition Group (LAG)?

A: No. The shooting organisations were formerly represented on the LAG by Sir Barney White Spunner, the Executive Chairman of the Countryside Alliance, who has now resigned.

The independent Chairman of the LAG is John Swift. He is not employed by BASC and is no longer a member. He does not represent BASC.

Q: What about the emails I’ve heard about from LAG to the government?

A: These emails are expressions of opinion. They represent exchanges of views and do not reflect any formal report. No report has been agreed by LAG, no report has been seen by the members of LAG and no report has been sent to government by LAG.

Q: Does LAG have the authority to set the law on lead shot?

A: No. The LAG’s remit is to advise the Department for the Environment and Rural Affairs (Defra) and the Food Standards Agency (FSA) on the “key risks to wildlife from lead ammunition, the respective levels of those risks and to explore possible solutions to any significant risks; and possible options for managing the risk to human health from the increased exposure to lead as a result of using lead ammunition”.

Full terms of reference for the group can be found here.

Q: Does DEFRA or the FSA have to act on the LAG’s advice?

A: No they do not. Any advice from LAG is not binding on Defra or the FSA.

Q: Can BASC lobby DEFRA if a LAG report is published?

A: Yes. Any recommendations that would require a change in the law on lead ammunition will involve discussions in government, consultation with stakeholders including BASC, public consultation and could involve debate in parliament.

Q: Does DEFRA or the FSA have the authority to set the law on lead shot?

A: No. Defra or the FSA may propose a change to the law but this would have to be agreed by all government departments and be laid before parliament for MPs and Peers to have their say.

Q: Can BASC lobby parliament if the government proposes a change in the law on lead ammunition?

A: Yes. BASC already briefs MPs and Peers on a range of issues affecting shooting such as lead ammunition.

Q: What can I do to help avoid a ban on lead ammunition?

A: You can support all shooting organisations’ calls for shooters to comply with the law on lead ammunition.